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Dear Black African woman,


Today marks Africa day.

It’s a time to celebrate the decolonization of our continent and reflect on the process of self –rediscovery.saartjie-text-1280x720

57 years later, we are becoming something different.

The black African woman is slowly vanishing!

We are bleaching the skin and accentuating our figures.

It has become fashionable and desirable to be white skinned, with large bottoms.(I thought all black women had a shapely behind)


The struggle of wanting to experience the other side reminds me of the pain and suffering that Sarah Baartman could have undergone.

Many of you may not know her. Baartman was from Khoikhoi group in South Africa. She had extremely large buttocks—a cause of fascination for many in the Western World. She was paraded in “freak shows’ in London and Paris. Crowds were invited to look and even touch her large buttocks. She died at the age of 26.

With all her large buttocks, she was reduced to nothing.

Your skin and buttocks will not take the world by storm.

The human body is the best work of art. Love your imperfections!

There is no universal standard of progress.

Happy Africa day!!


The journey has been tough; I have been surviving on water and medication.
I am not heavily blessed from behind, so when the Lord showered me with blessings in the front I definitely flaunt. I had the right dresses to show my beautiful bump.
As it became a routine, I went to bed hours past midnight. However, on this day I fell asleep at 1.30am. But 2 hours into bed, i felt a kick in my tummy and I knew it was all going down. The party had just started and I was expected to begin wailing and yelling like all women in labor do.

While you think you are well prepared, delivery day can throw you a few curve balls.

There was no pain; I was speaking in low tones asking God to guide me through.

No sooner had I Finished this prayer, than some fluids started flowing down my legs.

My water had broken.

They say when this happens be ready to push. And yes I was ready to push, God know how far.

Hubby quickly helped cleaned myself and led the way to the car and off to the place of delivery.
We arrive at the hospital, and I am rushed to the maternity

The nurse had so many questions which I chose to ignore. Contractions were becoming much more intense and painful. I failed to cooperate.

But why do they ask so many questions???
She checked me out and I was at 4cm. Oh my, that feeling is not right and will never be. But what other options do we have?

Fast forward and the Doc tells me it’s an emergency C-section. She explains that baby is breech and there is presence of meconium.

For my pain sake! What’s the need of using these vocabularies in such a situation?

And what more could I say when all I knew about giving birth was getting pregnant.

I later learnt that Meconium is the earliest stool of a mammalian infant while breech is when a baby is a buttocks or first feet position.
In another room I can hear a woman screaming and cursing…..she’s too in labour.

Our contractions were 5 minutes apart so I used the intervals to laugh at her screams…they were hilarious. A story for another day.

Minutes later hubby and I sign the papers and I am rushed to theatre. I was now ready to see the head pop right out and his body follow. And that’s where the drama started building up, I started seeing people moving, talking in low notes as if rehearsing for a choir. I felt like I was in touch with my ancestors, but no matter how much I tried I failed to identify them. The sedatives were working. I felt wasted and high.

I forgot all my debts:  mshwari, Tala , KCB mpesa  and even chama contribution. I was at peace.

While I was busy getting comfortable with nothing to worry, I saw tiny little toes curling in front of my eyes. The future billionaire full of God’s favour had arrived.

I had made it. I just gave birth.
The fruits of my Labour- landed at exactly 7.05 am—Anew addition to my small family. Boo boo was big enough despite my poor eating habits. Food had stopped being bae during my pregnancy.

Here I am, a new mother, so new responsibilities and challenges!!

And just because I have not experienced giving birth the natural way doesn’t make me less of a mother. …

We just turned 1!


The return of me-1


It was back in 2003 when I fell in love with a young, handsome, light skinned, masculine and tall man. He was charming, sexy, good guy that I needed. I was completely besotted with Mr. Wazimu. He would lift me up, carry me around and get me counting invisible stars in the sky. I was sold. This was my man, my other half, the one God prepared for me. So when he proposed I quickly said ‘yes”, before all this could disappear.

5 months later and we had a very colourful wedding that cost us a pretty penny–enough to buy you an acre of shamba in kitengela. I still regret about this. But no one would have convinced me otherwise then. I was over the moon. I wanted a wedding, a wedding of my choice, one that would remain in the lips of many, a wedding that would make an envy of the female species….
It’s now 16 years since I walked down the aisle in my imported wedding gown all the way from China complimented with an expensive gold pair of shoe from Hussein’s stores.
I am a mother of 3 beautiful girls. The older one just turned 15 while the last born is now 5. We will soon celebrate the second born’s 13th birthday. I recently though, withdrew the title WIFE from my achievements and this is why…..a5102-1weeft-1h6dx2pbwcydg-jw

Our first years in marriage were perfect. Our life was bliss. We were living the tag line: Whatever God has put together, no man should put a sunder!

We travelled the world, had fun, and invested where we could as we prepared for the uncertain future. You do know how things change. Right? You get promoted today but months later, your company is bankrupt and you lose entirely everything. So planning was crucial.
Into the third year of our marriage, I started seeing a different man in my husband. They say people change in marriage. My friend they do not only change, they rediscover themselves and become something totally different. I must warn you.
Hubby became very controlling. He owned me and stopped loving me. He was involved in all my affairs from my dressing, to the friends I keep to my career bla bla ..And this is how I forgot about me and started living in his shadow in the name of “safeguarding a marriage”.
My friends could always go like “what happened to you! You no longer turn up for events, you are always busy”.

“You know how pregnancies can be, juggling between motherhood and working is not easy,  I would answer back.

I was always defensive, protecting the father of my kids who kept dismissing my feelings.
Keeping up with the lies was a struggle, a huge one for that matter. You can only fake it for a season.

After the birth of our second baby, Hubby ordered me to leave employment, so I could take care of our children.

I was reminded of the woman described in proverbs 31:

: Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.

She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:”
And just like the above verse, I heeded the call.
I submitted my resignation and left a well-paying job. It’s one of the worst mistakes I have ever made in life. You will soon find out why.

Part of my benefits included a share of my pension which hubby suggested we use it to upgrade to a big family car.

“Big family car? Perfect idea or so I thought.

Five months into my new career –a stay-home mum, marriage life became tough.

Hubby was never home, I could not use the car that I bought with my pension, and I no longer had a voice in my own house.

There was too much blame game and no respect for my privacy.

I became a slave. I followed orders, and listened to commands.

But I was still in love with the idea of being married.

On the flip side, I started having interests in issues that I was too busy to notice before.

I had all the time in my hands, enough to rethink every move in my life.

I started regretting why I left work. I was not independent as before. My financial muscle had shrunk. I felt incapacitated

And this is when I realized I had stopped living the minute I got married. The entire time I have been with him, I have stayed a mess.

I had become someone else—an unhappy, distressed and hopeless woman.

One early Saturday, in August 2019, I poured my heart out to him.

He didn’t have to physical abuse me for me to leave ….but I couldn’t take it anymore and I wanted to fix no-one.

He had put me through enough emotional torture.

Emotional abuse precedes violence, it messes your mind but few understand this.

While you don’t see it, no broken limbs it contributes to low self-esteem and depression or even suicide.

I was bigger than this.

And that’s how my daughters and I left still-waters estate for sunrise villas…

I wanted my life back. I too had a purpose in life regardless of being a mother or a wife.

A new chapter beckons!


Shower or Rain??

Friendship is mutual blackmail elevated to the level of love.-Robin Morgan

I do.

Yes, I do.

But there’s a limit.

Years back, I read a piece about extravagant weddings. A thorough account complaining about how couples create committees and force each ‘supporter’ to give a 300 dollar contribution

300 dollars! An amount enough to pay a term’s kindergarten fees for my baby number 2 …

I understand friends need to support each other, after all what are friends for? But extortion in this way is on another level of friendship…

However for fear of a ‘friend’ reading this post, I will digress.

Today, we will talk about baby showers. Make no mistake here I am not against baby showers or hate babies but I detest these extravagant events all in the name of “baby is coming”.

Guys have to travel to unknown destinations, meet strange people and incur heavy expenses. But why?

Babies are good, adorable, and sweet and smell wonderful but their “aunts” are something else11885710_10206009653112897_8764546335098425446_o

They make you part with 50 dollars and you are still expected to show up with a pack of diapers at the event.

When did just sending messages of good will stop or showing at the maternity room with a shawl end? When did this rain start beating us?

Are we bringing babies to this world or are we planning their 0-3 years with other peoples’ strength? The people who never contributed to make the babies.

I am expecting my third baby in a few months…and for the reasons above I want to issue a few guidelines about my “baby’s shower “ just in case there is an “aunt” planning of doing one……………….

1) Do not make my friends sort my bills

2) I don’t want an extravagant baby shower

3) Do not draw up a baby shower gift list; let people buy what they want.

4) Stop telling people that they need to buy products from specific brands, will make do with what is available. When did Chicco breast pumps change color of mother’s milk?

5) Do not make people go shopping for clothes… (sijui theme maneno’s.)Babies love rainbows let people rock their own style.

6) Do not get my hubby into playing your surprise games. The baby I am carrying came as a surprise, what more surprises can he need?

7) Do not force people to eat what they don’t know. So kindly, don’t complicate the menu.

8) The location of the event should be near my home. Movements make me uneasy. Child birth is a long journey for mothers.

9) Don’t force people to buy gifts; let them turn up gift less

10) Save me the flowery script about motherhood, I am not an amateur.

11) If you will get a cake, it better be big enough to leave some behind.

I will be giving more rules in due time but for now ………


Let’s make these rituals more realistic!




By CarolTesh Ndugire
Inspired by Pastor Lynn’s sermon (Citam Parklands)


The great I am is in me…

Thus I am the Hope for this Nation.

I will not have hope in you because,
You might be hurting and cursing ,
or lost hope,
And everything could seem deem to you.

I won’t place my hope in you because,
You might be hoping in someone else, who has placed
his hope in wisdom, strength, tribe, leaders or even wealth.

I am the Hope for this Nation because,1.jpg
The Good Lord above is able,
Because the Great I am lives in me, thus the Hope of Glory…
I trust in our God,
Who is the creator of the universe and all knowing.

I am the hope for this Nation because,
The great I am, Who when us sinful believers  return to Him,
repent our sins, and repent on behalf of this Nation,
He listens to our cry and Heal our Nation.

I do not have room to incite because Christians don’t.
A tribe forgiven, Redeemed and Delivered, a tribe belonging to CHRIST.

I am reminded not to hate, but to pray,

To pray for this Nation, and other great Nations,
I am the CHRISTIAN Tribe!!

But many mistake me for a Kamba or Taita.caro.jpg
I cannot afford to hate people.

Not when, the people who bring me joy and laughter are a blend of all tribes,
Not when Sally Achieng’s stories, dance and hearty laugh makes me forget my sorrows,
Not when the surprise flowers and chocolates come from my Mursik, my Ukwaju, My tomato, My Omena (Beautiful names I give my beloved friends depending with where they come from :-D),

And not when my phone is filled with joyful moments, shared with these same friends, of different tribes, but of Christ.

I am the Hope for this Nation,
Simply because, I can’t afford to watch my loved ones suffer and hurt,
So I will be careful with my words, my actions, my thoughts, Because, The Great I am lives in me.
All I want is the joy and laughter we share to echo in the skies,

The warmth we have when sharing the little we have to fill our souls with HOPE of flourishing tomorrow.
I do not want to fear requesting for that 1,000 bob from Chao because her tribe did not support my tribe,
Nor refuse to attend Achieng’s sleep over because she supported a certain leader,
I do not want Mildred Kesio to look at me in church and feel hurt because my tribe hurt her tribe,
I do not want my friends to stop coming over for fear of attacks,
I do not want my colleague Momanyi to shift from his desk, because of me,
I want to be a responsible Citizen, I want to be the LIGHT.
Step out……get counted as the HOPE of this Nation.




#Life checkup

picture courtesy

“A story has no beginning or end: arbitrarily one chooses that moment of experience from which to look back or from which to look ahead.”
― Graham GreeneThe End of the Affair

I knew I wanted to become someone great, not long after I stepped into the kindergarten class. I could imagine masses watching and praising me for the great things I had done…

It’s been nearly 4 decades, and all I have is a child who can play a saxophone.

This could any Parent wish, but I ought to have done better.

I have been waiting for people to recognize and make me great.

But what I really didn’t know is that you need to make yourself known for people to know you.

For a very long time, I sat in my couch of comfort with my goals buried.

All I did was appreciate and admire other people’s efforts, commending them for the strides they had made.

To be the person you desire, you must reflect and accept responsibility of your past actions. Your own life reflection story goes a step further and sets you apart from all other humans. I am now determined to start from where I am — — the start is just the beginning.

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley reminds us that the beginning is always today.”

And this is just the beginning of a life well lived. — -for how we live is how we shall be remembered.

At times you have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover is yourself. Alan Alda


I choose to write about something different this time around. .

It follows a conversation I had with a friend. He came knocking at my door in his quest to start a business. He needed my advice on how best he could go about.

I took up the challenge.

I am not anywhere near Chris Kirubi of Kenya or the famous Richard Branson…but I am helping someone turn a dream into cash—and it’s working.

So with the few notes, information gathered and experience, I thought I could pass this on to you…


How will you know what business is right for you?

  1. i) Do what you like, know or feel that you can do better.
  2. ii) Learn about other businesses that interest you.

iii) Fill the gap in the market. What’s missing in the market is there a demand for it and is the public ready to buy? It will require some intense research.


Once you are done identifying the kind of business you want, it’s time to create a business plan. We rarely believe in business plans, but this is something crucial to any business person out there. It will help you outline your goals strategies, actions steps and most –make your business real!

The next step is finding out if people will actually buy your products or services

Not everyone will want your product, so try and identify the market very well.images.jpg


So how are you going to build your capital? What are your sources of finance?

Would you be securing loans? Is it part of your savings or some sort of inheritance?

You need to meditate critically on your source of income. Loans earn interest and need to be paid back within a period of time. So think twice before knocking at that financial institution.


You need a support network. Investors, customers, partners will always be part and parcel of your business. You need them just like they need you. Cultivate a good rapport with them.

Try and introduce value addition in your business…Be different from your competitors. You could offer delivery services or even do follow-ups after delivery.

Lastly, you are not your own consumer… so put the word out there.

Take baby steps …its advised never to go big, just in case you suffer losses.(you need at least 6-months into business to start reaping benefits )

Let people know there’s something new in the market.

Having mastered the above…………………

It’s time to go out and take the damn cash!

Loving your Husband…………..


Stellah and I met last week.

I could tell something was amiss. It was weeks after her aunty had passed on .The two were very close. It must been very must have been difficult for her.But not untill Stellah started talking.

Stellah was suffering from depression. She was pregnant.

The man responsible was a married man. This was definitely not Stella’s ideal way of becoming a mother.

Her father and mother were church elders, and Stellah was part of the praise and worship team.

Stella had made a decision. She wasn’t going to keep the baby. She was too weak to face the world.

Is he aware? I probed.

“Oh yes he is. I’m sure he can’t support keeping the baby. He is a “great hubby n father. He cares more about his reputation ….”

Years later, I can still feel and see the pain in Stellah.

She is yet to forgive her lover. She rages with anger and regrets.

“Dating a married man is  painful and demeaning. You would think four years into dating this married man I would be used to this. It’s been quite a journey and I have lessons to share”. …..

1) A married man will never be yours, no matter how hard you try.

2) A married man will always meet and call you at his convenience, not the other way round.

3) You will always be that other woman. He has a wife remember?

4) In case you get pregnant, just know you will walk this path alone.

5) Still on pregnancy. Rarely will he support you to keep it. And be ready to foot the bill of terminating it.

6) You will never top his priority. Lest he is horny.

7) He will always say, tell me about you. But prepare to listen to him sharing about his wife’s travelling escapades.

8) You will remain a ghost only known to him. You will be saved as KPLC or NAIROBI Water on his phone

9) Do not expect him to invest in you. His money is for important family issues like school fees and HIS mamaa’s perfume.

10) He will always go back to his wife, no matter the days or time you spend with him.

I list down lesson number 10 as Stellah stops talking. Tears rolling down her eyes.

She cautions me to not ever date a married man. “He will never be sorry and will always jump on to the next pretty Lady ones you become a liability”

Stellah has been loyal to this man, but she’s got nothing to write home about but Pain.

It’s never late to start over,  I tell her.

“Not all married men are mean. Stellah’s father is a great man”

Joyce whispers in my ear…..

(picture courtesy of google)



Sunday: The holy day it is.

Most of us try and act Godly and keep off temptations. We struggle to keep it as holy as the commandments demand.

There’s more of sanity, bible verses and preaching sharing on media platforms.

its that day of the week, that we reconnect and find meaning in our lives.

As the day end, we look forward to a brighter week ahead.

May this last day of the week, be the end of your troubles and the start of great and beautiful things.

May Sundays be part of us.



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